For Your Business
Building Commissioning

Benefits of Commissioning
Considering the Whole Building

CommissioningPreparation, talent, and team work contribute to high performance. Designing high performance, energy-saving buildings is no different.

Building Commissioning ensures that the building's systems are installed and that they perform in accordance with the design specifications. It verifies that the lighting, heating, cooling, ventilation, and other building mechanical systems work together effectively and efficiently.

Buildings that have been properly commissioned demonstrate lower operating and maintenance costs and require fewer change orders. In addition, commissioning a building documents its systems and provides training for operations and maintenance personnel.

Benefits of Commissioning:

  • Ensures that equipment is installed and operates as designed
  • Saves energy
  • Reduces maintenance and operating costs
  • Reduces change orders
  • Documents building systems
  • Ensures a more healthy/comfortable building environment

Energy Efficiency—A whole host of measures will increase a building's efficient use of energy. Everything from lighting to heating and cooling to windows can boost efficiency.

Renewable Energy—Buildings can generate their own electricity with photovoltaic panels or wind turbines and even sell the extra electricity.

Recycled and Sustainable Materials—When possible, green buildings use products with recycled content and wood that is grown sustainably.

Site Sensitive Design—Locating buildings near public transport, supporting alternative transport such as biking or walking, and minimizing impact to surrounding landscape all make buildings greener.

Considering the Whole Building
Designers use a whole-buildings approach to create high performance buildings. Whole building design involves looking at the building as a holistic system rather that as just the sum of its parts. The building's systems, activities, and surrounding environment are examined by a team consisting of the building owner, designer, builder, and operator. To achieve success, the team must work together using the whole building design approach from the early conceptual design phase through to commissioning and operation.

Source: U.S. DOE Office of Building, Technology, State, and Community Programs: High Performance Buildings Research


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