For Your Home
Compact Fluorescent Torchieres
More than 50 million torchiere-style halogen floor lamps are in homes, dormitory rooms, and offices throughout the country; many families have two or three of these inexpensive and bright lamps. What many people don't know is that these lamps are very expensive to operate—you will spend many times the cost of the lamp for the electricity. With typical wattage's of 300 to 500 watts per bulb, a halogen torchiere will cost you $28 to $46 per year in electricity if you use an average of three hours per day and pay the national average for electricity. If you use it five hours, that cost increases to $46 to $77!

TorchiereThe bulb in your halogen torchiere can get as hot as 700 to 1,100° F. That's hot enough to burn cloth and other things. Halogen torchieres produced since 1988 are equipped with a metal cage intended to keep the bulb away from flammable items, but older ones still represent a fire hazard. Unfortunately, newer ones still use a lot of electricity.

Compact Fluorescent Torchieres replace the halogen bulb with several compact fluorescent bulbs that generate much less heat and eliminate the fire hazard. Moreover, while these lamps cost more to purchase than a halogen torchiere, they save a significant amount of electricity.


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