Food Storage/Cooking
For Your Home
Freezers account for 5 percent of residential electricity consumption in the United States, with more than 33 million households having at least one freezer. Unlike refrigerators that offer several styles to choose from, freezers come in only two styles-Chest and Upright. Chest style models have a door on top that opens upward while Upright models have the door on the front opening outward. The market is split fairly evenly between the two styles. The energy consumption of freezers has dropped roughly 75 percent over the past 25 years, due in large part to national efficiency standards. Upright freezers offer the advantage of easier access; you don’t have to bend over and reach down into the unit. They also come with the option of automatic defrost, (while Chest models do not) although it should be noted that automatic defrost tends to dry foods out, impacting quality in the long term.
Freezer This accounts for the limited popularity of automatic defrost models. Automatic defrost models account for only 9 percent of freezer sales. Manual defrost upright models represent 37 percent of sales with chest models accounting for the remaining 54 percent. The average size of freezers has increased considerably over the past 25 years.

In 1972, the average freezer sold in the United States was just over 15 cubic feet. By 1990, that number had grown to more than 23 cubic feet, an increase of over 50 percent. While the size of freezers was climbing, the energy consumption per square foot was steadily decreasing. The result is that the much larger freezers of today consume considerably less than the smaller freezers of past years.


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